3 Questions to Ask Yourself About Hair Loss in Women

28th Aug 2015

3 Questions to Ask Yourself About Hair Loss in Women

hair lossWhen women start losing hair, it’s generally easy to cover it up, because women usually have long hair.  So if your hair starts thinning, it’s not visible immediately in the form of bald patches like men.  However, it’s always best to start taking care of your hair early so that you can catch hair loss as soon as it starts to happen.  Here are a few tips to figure out if you need to start worrying about hair loss right now:

  1. Does it run in your family?  Often, there are genetic reasons for hair loss in women.  But this doesn’t mean that it can’t be treated.  It just means that you need to look out for it, just like you might need to look out for other things.  If one of your parents tends to gain weight around the middle, you might have inherited this tendency.  Similarly, if that parent tends towards hair loss, you might have inherited that too.  So just keep a lookout for whether your parents are suffering from hair loss.  Or if you look like someone else in your family, like a grandparent or an aunt, make a note of whether that person suffers from hair loss.  That way, you’ll know whether there’s cause for concern for you in the future.
  2. Is your hair looking any different lately?  Sometimes, hair loss doesn’t immediately manifest itself in terms of falling hair or bald patches.  Instead, your hair might just start looking as though it doesn’t have much body.  It might lie flatter than usual on your head.  Or it might actually become more springy than usual.  If you’re not doing anything different with your hair but it’s starting to look more limp or springy than usual, that might be a sign that you’re starting to lose hair.  So if you have a genetic tendency to lose hair and it’s also looking different lately, you might want to start a treatment to prevent hair loss from occurring.
  3. Have you generally treated your hair well?  Sometimes, hair loss becomes accelerated because you’ve been treating your hair badly.  If you haven’t been conditioning your hair regularly or if you have been coloring it pretty often, you might start suffering from hair loss earlier than usual.  Also, if you’ve been getting any other chemical treatments like perms and straightening, you’re likely to lose hair faster.  Blow-drying is also bad for your hair and can result in bad hair quality as well as hair loss.  So if you’ve been treating your hair badly, your hair loss may start sooner than you expect.

If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, there’s no need to panic.  You can just contact us and we’ll do a thorough evaluation of your hair issues to help you find the right product to prevent and reverse hair loss.