How To Stop Your Hair From Falling Out

20th Jun 2014

How To Stop Your Hair From Falling Out

hair lossStopping the progression of hair loss is the major concern for anyone who experiences this issue. There are many articles out there that offer potential treatment or cures, and only some are actually effective. Paying attention to proper nutrition, using a product such as Rogaine and researching hair transplantation are proven ways to stop hair loss safely and effectively.

Proper Nutrition

It is a proven fact that proper nutrition can contribute to the slowing of hair loss in both men and women. Nutritional deficiencies can weaken the hair follicle which leads to more prominent hair loss. Eating a diet that is well balanced and contains vitamin A in can be particularly helpful to keeping your locks in place. Vitamin A enables cell regrowth in all areas of the body, including the hair and scalp. Eat foods such as carrots, fish, eggs and milk to increase your daily vitamin A intake. 


If you are still experiencing hair loss after changing your diet, it might be time to investigate products such as Rogaine to help the situation. Rogaine contains the active ingredient Minoxidil, which is the primary solution which stimulates the growth of the hair follicle. Though effective, the use of products that contain Minoxidil is encouraged only after natural remedies have not been successful. Make sure to consult your doctor before starting any topical treatment for hair loss. 

Hair Transplantation

hair lossFinally, if changing your diet and using products such as Rogaine do not help with your hair loss, it might be time to think about hair transplantation. This surgical technique involves removing a strip of hair-baring scalp from the back of the head and transplanting it in the area of most predominant hair loss. Patients are under a local anesthetic during the process and can take anywhere from four to eight hours to complete. Because of the invasive nature of this procedure, it should be considered only after all other avenues have been eliminated. 

In conclusion, stopping hair loss is important to anyone who suffers from this condition. Some solutions to this problem include changing your diet, trying a product such as Rogaine, or considering hair transplant surgery. Before you try any of these remedies, however, you should always consult a doctor to ensure that you are proceeding in the safest and most effective manner possible.